October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. “15.5 million children in the United States live in families in which partner violence occurred at least once in the past year.” – Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Violent Childhood Experiences and the Risk of Intimate Partner Violence in Adults, 2003. https://safehouse-denver.org/domestic-violence/information/children.html
This static rattles me every time I report it. It feels gripping and overwhelming. I am trying to end domestic violence and help the 15.5 million children who are without a voice. I wrote Anger is OKAY Violence is NOT in 2012. I am quietly ending domestic violence one book at a time by getting children to report violence. This book has a great double message and is also an effective tool for toddlers struggling with temper tantrums. The book teaches replacement behaviors to tantrums. To help celebrate Domestic Violence Awareness Month I am discounting the price of Anger is OKAY Violence is NOT to $15.00 until the end of the month. The book retails on Amazon for $22.99 with shipping. Please private messages me if you would like a copy. Domestic violence is built on silence I am hoping to change this and make violence prevention something everyone talks about. Other ways to be involved in supporting the month awareness: