Julie Federico

5 Things parents need to know about unwanted touch









1. Over 90% of reports involving unwanted touch happen between family members and close personal friends. Children are not being harmed by strangers as much as the media projects this image. At the holiday season with family gatherings children are very much at risk.  With the information in this blog your children will be informed about this important under discussed topic.
2. 4 years of age is the average age children are first approached by someone.
3. Most parents do not talk to their children about unwanted touch. Prevention is power a few words of “your body is your own” will go along way.
4. Teach your children to talk to you about unwanted touch, stress that they will not be in trouble for reporting. Tell them that you want to know if someone touches them in a way that makes them feel uncomfortable.
5. Read Some Parts are NOT for Sharing with your child. You can read this book for free at www.juliefederico.com
Children need information on this important topic. The gift of safety is the greatest give a parent can give their child.  Put this book under your tree this year.

Link to Kindle Version: http://www.amazon.com/Some-Parts-are-NOT-Sharing-ebook/dp/B005HFKWS8/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1386175988&sr=1-1&keywords=some+parts+are+not+for+sharing

Paperback book link: https://www.tatepublishing.com/bookstore/book.php?w=978-1-60696-603-7

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